Prevent wiring disasters & easily organize network infrastructure.

Facilitate easier remote power & network management.

Enable redundant connectivity & integrated monitoring.

Easily Establish a Strong Network CORE
As the backbone of your network, Akative CORE™ acts as the engine that drives all of your existing operations. Also, as a platform to enable future growth and network change. So, when we deploy CORE, Akative incorporates best design practices including the ability to support a wide range of foundational services, provide flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and scale.
Akative CORE is ideal for new businesses looking to setup infrastructure and hardware that supports a strong network right off the bat. CORE also can be implemented in an existing network to further organize and strengthen network hardware and the technology needed to keep your business running smoothly. By implementing CORE for your business, we make adding in new systems to your network rack simple and keep you organized as your business grows or as your business needs develop.

Preconfigured Multi-WAN Solutions:
- Prevent wiring disasters
- Reduce labor
- Improve standardization
- Facilitate remote management
- Integrated 4G LTE/5G failover
- Integrated iStatus® monitoring
- High-Availability options