Backup Internet For Existing Hardware
We know what it's like to be loyal to your hardware. You've invested time, money, and energy into it, knowing it works for you and your business, so why would you change it? That's why Akative offers SIM-only 4G LTE/5G solutions with iStatus® network monitoring bundles. This allows you to utilize existing hardware while simultaneously adding high-value services. This simple solution saves you time and money by avoiding buying and installing new hardware. Instead, using our SIM-only backup internet solution, you can bring your own device and add a SIM card to have 4G LTE/5G capabilities needed for failover or as a cellular primary connection.
Not sure if SIM-Only is right for you?
Request a free consultation to make sure that SIM-Only is the best fit for your business.

BYOD, DIY Budget Friendly Solutions
Akative's SIM-only solution integrates with numerous different systems, including DIGI, Peplink, Cradlepoint, Meraki, and many others. Along with money saved from not purchasing new hardware, our SIM-Only solutions include cost-friendly data plan options, from bundled gigabyte plans to unlimited plans.
Akative’s SIM-Only solution is great for those who like to DIY. For those who want help setting up your failover, Akative can configure your firewall and cellular device to ensure your failover is set up properly, for an additional fee.

SIM-Only Plus iStatus
Our SIM-Only backup Internet solution includes a flexible and easy-to-use SIM card, and like RocketFailover®, comes with iStatus connectivity management platform. Our SIM-only plans with iStatus create a winning combination to provide monitoring for connections, devices, cloud services, and others in your network. iStatus is a great way to manage your connectivity better and help improve your business-critical applications' performance.